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The Great Smoky Mountains, one of the greatest National Parks in the United States, is home to a variety of undiscovered animal life, and mysterious legends spanning back to the creation itself. Some of this animal life prefers to remain undiscovered and will go to great lengths to keep themselves and the entrance to their world hidden from the humans that frequent the camp. Babe and her friends, disguised as park rangers, guard the doorway to their world and its secrets that our world is not prepared to handle. Main Characters "Babe" Good food, backscratches and money make this bear's world go around. A heart of gold if you're one of hers, but she'll easily laugh at anyone's misery.
"Cody" Stumbling into the portal, Cody was erased from existence. He didn't seem to mind so much... he had already lost everything important to him. Now he works for Babe as housekeeper to the Lodge.
"Carl" Babe's right hand man, err... raccoon. Hidden behind his shades and surly exterior is a true friend, evident in his loyalty to Babe and the crew.
"Navarre" A self proclaimed "Species Explorer", this fox squirrel has made it his duty to spread love to every corner of the animal kingdom. Perplexed by Cody's "verjeenity", he has taken him under his experienced and furry little wing.
"Penny" Someone has to worry about things, so it may as well be this floppy eared rabbit and her motherly instincts. Her fuzzy shoulder is always available.
"Scooter" Not so easily disguised, Scooter stays near the portal, keeping a close watch from the nearby lake. An unlikely boyfriend to Penny, this turtle spends his off-time kissing up to her and playing video games with the guys.
Places The Portal: Unknown to the human world, this doorway between worlds has been the closely guarded secret of a priveledged few from its other side. Anyone who goes through it is erased from existence. Even those who guard it have little understanding of its purpose and mystery. Bearback Falls: Unable to keep the area around the portal out of land purchased for the Great Smoky Mountains in 1930, influential people connected with the portal were able to put their own "rangers" in position at the park. To reduce suspicion, campers are still allowed, but under those rangers' watchful eyes. The Lodge: Originally built during Prohibition as a smuggling hub and resort getaway for Tennessee's affluential crowd, the lodge is nestled in a discreet cove on Asdudi Lake with a network of underground tunnels and store rooms. Since then, it has been expanded to accomodate the transport of goods through the portal. Asdudi: Once a small mining town, then a haven for illegal moonshiners, and now an "artist community". Asdudi, or "closed door" in Cherokee, has become a refuge for people from the other side of the portal. Dealing with tourists is a small price to pay for the convenience of living among their own and maintaining a limited access to their world.